Science scores another point over religion this week, as the Brits have figured out how to make a child out of three parents. Upon hearing the news, I could only think one thing: OMG how friggin' awesome is that?!
Briefly, the procedure involved implanting the nucleus of a fertilized zygote into a donor egg cell. The extra DNA from the 2nd mother can theoretically "overwrite" any inherited "bad" DNA. This technology has the potential to eliminate many genetic birth defects.
Sure, the news will doubtless have some bible-thumping, Huckabee-voting Americans proclaiming that Armageddon is at hand, but for the rest of the non-zealous world, technology has just made yet another giant leap towards improving our lives. Digg This
This blog serves as a place for me to wax philosophical on politics, economics, and liberty, and to record my evolving thoughts on government, society, religion, science, and all the "heavy" stuff that you're not allowed to talk about in the real world.
I'm a student of economics, a subject that changed my life forever. It woke me up to the idea that learning how the world does what it does is more meaningful than speculating and complaining about why the world is doing what it's doing. Beyond that, I'm a scientist, a skeptic, an atheist, and a libertarian.