Scientific evidence is obtained through the scientific method: hypothesis, gather data, observe, draw conclusions. Anecdotal evidence is not based on facts or rigorous empirical study. Often, it is used to promote one's own agenda, particularly when the scientific evidence (and many other testimonials) supports the opposite claim. When anecdotal evidence is used in this way, it constitutes a logical fallacy.
2. Moore's inability to effectively use rhetoric.
MOORE: So you, Mr. Canadian, believe that all Canadian citizens should pay tax dollars to support each others' health?
MOORE: Are you a socialist?
CANADIAN: No, I'm a conservative.
MOORE, TO AUDIENCE: Ha! Bet you didn't see that coming! I'm so clever.
Smooth like *water.*
3. Michael Moore smugly pointing out many elected officials who have accepted money from health care lobbyists.
Though he'll fail to realize that it was the increasing government intervention in the private sector, exactly like what he's advocating now, that initially set the stage for the increasing corporate intervention in government that we see today.
You can't inject the government into the corporation without injecting the corporation into the government.